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Inner Child Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool that can profoundly impact your inner child healing journey. Start with these 10 and adjust them based on what resonates. They are best used daily.

10 Inner Child Affirmations PDF

Use this printable guide to create moments of peace and embrace your inner child fully, one affirmation at a time. These affirmations serve as a daily reminder of your worth, guiding you towards self-love, healing, and personal transformation.

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10 Affirmations for Your Inner Child

Read the following affirmations aloud to yourself. In order to get the most out of these affirmations you are invited to couple them with visualizations like the examples offered. There is also a suggested way to incorporate the affirmation into your life which we call an affirmation “in-action.”



Affirmations can be strengthened by combining them with visualizations, creating a more powerful and impactful experience.


You can make affirmations more impactful by engaging multiple senses. Transform your life into a living affirmation by taking actions that reinforce your mantras.

"I am safe and protected."


Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a small child, wrapped in a warm, glowing light. This light forms a protective shield around you, creating a safe space where nothing can harm you. Feel the warmth and security this light provides, like a loving embrace that makes you feel completely at peace.

Affirmation in Action

Wrap yourself in a soft blanket or wear a comforting piece of clothing that makes you feel safe. Whenever you need reassurance, gently place your hand on your heart or give yourself a hug, reinforcing the feeling of safety.

“I am worthy of love and acceptance.”


Picture a younger version of yourself standing before you. Imagine them looking up at you with wide, innocent eyes, waiting for your response. Now, see yourself kneeling down to their level, wrapping them in a gentle hug, and whispering, “You are doing so good. You are surrounded by love and acceptance.” Feel the warmth of this exchange, the unconditional love flowing between you.

Affirmation in Action

Write a letter to your inner child, expressing love and acceptance. Read it aloud to yourself in front of a mirror, letting the words sink in as you make eye contact with your reflection. By building self-compassion, you will naturally start to care about yourself more throughout your day and give yourself the love and acceptance you so deeply long for.

“My feelings are valid and important.”


Envision yourself as a child, expressing your feelings openly and freely in a safe space. Imagine an adult version of you listening intently, nodding in understanding and offering comfort. Feel the relief that comes from knowing your emotions are acknowledged and valued.

Affirmation in Action

Keep a journal where you can honestly express your feelings. After writing, take a moment to sit with what you’ve written, acknowledging and honoring your emotions without judgment. Remembering that your emotions are a part of you but they do not define you. Observe them lik waves.

“I am capable and strong.”


See yourself as a child, overcoming a challenge—maybe it’s climbing a tree, riding a bike, or standing up to a bully. Picture the moment of triumph, when you realize just how strong and capable you are. Feel the pride swelling within you, as you stand tall and confident. Immerse all of your sense in the moment.

Affirmation in Action

Set a small, achievable goal for yourself today. It could be something as simple as trying a new recipe or finishing a task you’ve been putting off. Once completed, celebrate your achievement, no matter how small it may seem. Enjoy the relief that comes with following through.

"I deserve to be happy and joyful.”


Imagine your inner child playing in a beautiful, sunlit meadow. They are laughing, running freely, and feeling pure joy. You watch from a distance, smiling at their happiness, knowing that this joy is something they—and you—deserve every day.

Affirmation in Action

Engage in an activity that brings you joy. It could be playing a favorite childhood game, dancing around your living room, or spending time in nature. Let yourself fully embrace the happiness that comes from this moment.

"I trust myself and my intuition.”


Picture yourself as a child, navigating through a thick forest. You follow a path, guided by an inner light that shines from within your chest, illuminating the way forward. Trusting this light, you walk confidently, knowing it will lead you to safety and clarity.

Affirmation in Action

Throughout the day, whenever you need to make a decision, pause and take a deep breath. Place your hand on your heart and ask yourself what feels right. Trust the answer that comes, and act on it with confidence.

"I am creative and imaginative.”


See your inner child surrounded by art supplies—paints, crayons, clay. Watch as they create something beautiful, expressing themselves freely without fear of judgment. The joy and satisfaction they feel is infectious, reminding you of the boundless creativity within you.

Affirmation in Action

Dedicate time to a creative project. It could be drawing, writing, or any form of art that excites you. Don’t worry about having the right supplies. Just use whatever you have around you. Allow yourself to create without worrying about the outcome—focus on the process and be curious about the process.

"I am deserving of respect and kindness.”


Visualize a scene where your inner child is being treated with respect and kindness by everyone around them. Whether it’s a teacher praising their efforts, a friend sharing a toy, or a parent offering a gentle smile—each interaction reinforces their self-worth.

Affirmation in Action

Practice self-respect and kindness in your daily life. This could mean setting healthy boundaries, speaking kindly to yourself, or treating yourself to something special simply because you deserve it.

"I am connected to others and the world around me.”


Picture yourself as a child, sitting in a circle with other children, all holding hands. Feel the connection, the sense of belonging and unity. The energy from this circle radiates outwards, connecting you to the earth beneath and the sky above, making you feel part of something much larger.

Affirmation in Action

Reach out to a friend or loved one and share a meaningful conversation. Engage in a community activity, or spend time in nature, feeling the connection between yourself, others, and the world around you.

"I am open to healing and growth.”


Imagine yourself as a growing plant, with roots firmly planted in the earth and branches reaching towards the sky. Feel the nourishment from the soil and the warmth of the sun, helping you grow stronger and more resilient each day.

Affirmation in Action

Make a commitment to your healing journey. This could mean starting therapy, reading a self-help book, or dedicating time each day to self-care practices. Celebrate your growth, no matter how small the steps may seem.

Take a Deep Breath &…

Go back to the top of the list and re-read each mantra with your full attention.

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